John 3: 11-17
-How would you answer that question?
-Obviously we’ll say we’ll be 6 feet under,
-but are we really be dead…if we have a spirit? Where
will our spirit go?
-Some people believe they’ll be reincarnated…into a
colorful butterfly, a magnificent eagle
soaring up in the air or … a crawling
snake, or cockroaches w/c people dislike …depending on their karma or what they
have done in this world….
-Some don’t believe in the afterlife…this life is all
there is…and after that they’re gone, nil, nada, that’s it so they eat, drink,
& get merry for tomorrow they die.
100 years from now where would you be?
There’s a guy in the Bible who has an answer for that
question… he doesn’t believe in re-incarnation
He believes in the afterlife, & He believes that
there’s another Kingdom…a Kingdom whose Leader is God and after our life here
is over, we can be in that Kingdom.
Man ever since have thought of another Kingdom…Kingdom of
the god’s…Roman Gods, Greek Gods…in the present day we have our superheroes
like superman coming from another planet, ET’s …
But this man (His name Nicodemus) wasn’t sure how to get
there…but had the privilege & opportunity to meet Jesus, who explains to
him how to get there. Let’s read what happen in their encounter
We must remember that when Jesus came to this earth, He
came to teach men how to flee darkness and come to the light. He came to teach men how to flee death and to
enter into life.
Jesus also uses this passage to instruct us also. As we
take the time to look at these verses this morning, there may be some among us
who are in the same shape Nicodemus was.
Here was a man who was at the pinnacle of success. He had
it all.
He was a respected man, he had money, power, position and
all the things that are considered the trappings of a successful life.
Yet, he lacked that one thing that would guarantee him a
pleasant eternity experience.
In these verses, Jesus, explains salvation to Nicodemus
and in the process, He explains it for us as well.
For the next few minutes, let's join Jesus, The Divine
Teacher in His classroom. As we do, all I ask is that you allow the Lord to
speak to your heart and then do what He calls you to do. If you have never
trusted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, you will at least here how to do
just that today. Nobody ever explained a truth like Jesus, let's listen in as
He teaches Nicodemus the truth about salvation.
3:1 There was a man named Nicodemus, a
Jewish religious leader who was a Pharisee.
After dark one evening, he came to speak with Jesus. “Rabbi,” he said, “we all
know that God has sent you to teach us. Your miraculous signs are evidence that
God is with you.”
A. V. 1 The Character Of Nicodemus -
1. He Was A
Ruler - Probably a member of the Sanhedrin, John 7:51. As such, he was among
the most powerful of men in that day. He was a judge, much like a member of the
Supreme Court.
2. He Was
Religious - He was called a Pharisee. Therefore, he
adhered to
the strictest of religious and ethical standards. (Ill. Not all Pharisees were
hypocrites. Some actually did their best to live before the Lord in true
holiness. It appears that Nicodemus was of this caliber.)
3. He Was
Real - His approach to Jesus indicates that He was sincere in his search for
the truth.
Here was a man who
wanted to find true peace for his soul. He probably came by night, not out of
fear, but so that he could have an uninterrupted conversation with Jesus.
B. V. 2b The
Compliment From Nicodemus -
1. He
Addressed Jesus With Respect - Nicodemus calls Jesus "Rabbi." He
refers to Him as a teacher, and appears to hold Jesus in high regard.
2. He Addresses
Jesus With A Realization - It appears that Nicodemus at least understood that
Jesus had been sent from God to the world. Nicodemus, it seems, has at least a
vague understanding of just who Jesus really is.
Nicodemus is giving Christ honor and is displaying
respect for the power of Christ that he has seen, The miracles). However, He
stops too short in his estimation of just who Jesus really is. To Nicodemus,
Jesus is nothing more than a teacher, or some prophet whom God has sent.
is always the problem with religion! It stops short in its approach to Jesus
How did Jesus reply to Nicodemus’ introduction?…
3 Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth,
unless you are born again, you cannot see the Kingdom of God.”
Jesus knew at once what was his motive and his question
so he answered him at once directly.
Jesus addresses the need of Nicodemus's heart.
-Jesus tells Nicodemus that his religion isn't sufficient
to save his soul.
-He tells Nicodemus that he must experience the "New
Being the Teacher,
Jesus used a common illustration to clarify His thought. Birth is a universal
experience. Everyone has been through it.
However, there is something different about this birth to
which Jesus refers
*3:3-6 Born Again- We hear that term thrown around a lot
- "born again." What exactly does it mean to be born again?
Surprisingly - it is exactly like it sounds - it is a second birth.
You see, our first birth was from the water of our
mother's womb. We have all been born once.
If you're sitting
here this morning, it is a pretty good guess that you've been born once.
But there is an opportunity for you to be born again.
1. The word born "again" means
"from a higher place." It refers to things which come from God alone.
That is the nature of the new birth. Man cannot accomplish it. It is a work of
God and of none other!
2. The word
"except" is an imperative. It literally means that a person has no
other choices in the realm of salvation. You either come God's way or you do not
experience His salvation. In other words, it's Jesus or nothing!
4 “What do you mean?” exclaimed Nicodemus.
“How can an old man go back into his mother’s womb and be born again?”
Nicodemus, like
so many others, confused the things of God with those of the flesh. He thought
that Jesus was referring to a return to his mother's womb.
A thing that would be an absolute impossibility.
But that is not what Jesus is talking about. He is not
talking about being born of the water of your mother's womb twice. He says you
must be born of water and the Spirit. To be born again is to be born a second
time, not of your mother, but of the Spirit of God.
5 Jesus replied, “I assure you, no one can
enter the Kingdom of God without being born of water and the Spirit.
a. Born
Of Water -The Natural Birth -
b. Born
Of The Spirit - This refers to the second stage of salvation.
When you are born, you become a child of your parents.
When you are born again, you become a child of God.
To be born of water is to become a child of sinners. To
be born of the Spirit is to become a child of God.
So the question remains, "How can you be born again?
How can you be born of the Spirit? How can you become a child of God?"
John of course already told us this back in chapter 1:
John 1:12-13 But as many as received Him, to them He gave
the right to become children of God, {even} to those who believe in His name,
who were born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of
man, but of God. If you have true faith in Jesus Christ, then you are born
He Cannot Enter:
Now, being born again is an absolute requirement to see
the kingdom of God and to enter the kingdom of God. Not one person will be in
heaven who has not been born again.
6 Humans can reproduce only human life, but
the Holy Spirit gives birth to spiritual life.
7 So don’t be surprised when I say, ‘You
must be born again.’
*According to Jesus, the new birth is not an option! He
plainly says, "ye must be born again!", verse 7. There is no other
option, no plan B. It is either Jesus or it is nothing! Without Him, you will
never get to Heaven, you will never miss Hell. Jesus is the only way to the
Father - John 14:6; 1 John 5:12.)
Why only those who are born again? Jesus tells us,
John 3:6 "That which is born of the flesh is flesh,
and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit."
If you haven't been born again, you are only flesh. And
the Bible tells us...
1Cor. 15:50 ...that flesh and blood cannot inherit the
kingdom of God...
(Only Jesus can make the kinds of changes in the heart
and life of a person. Some people will make an attempt at "turning over a
new leaf." However, only Jesus can effect eternal change in hearts and
lives. How wonderful that everyone who comes to Jesus is forever made
(Ill. How
miserable would a person be if they were taken to Heaven in their natural
If you are not born again, you cannot possibly inherit
the kingdom of God.
You may be thinking, "But, I don't understand how
this all works. I want to know exactly how this all happens." Jesus
answers that thought in the next two verses.
8 The wind blows wherever it wants. Just as
you can hear the wind but can’t tell where it comes from or where it is going,
so you can’t explain how people are born of the Spirit.”
*3:7-8 Born Of The Spirit
"Don't marvel, Nicodemus," Jesus says. Maybe his mouth had dropped open. Whatever it
was, he was obviously marvelling at Jesus' statement. He just didn't see it.
Jesus makes the point, "Nick, you don't have to see
it to receive it and believe it.
Take the wind for example - you've never seen it... only
its effects. The Spirit is the same way.
You can't see Him, but you can see His effect on people,
and feel Him in your own heart."
This is an interesting play on words, because the word
"wind" and "spirit" in the Greek are both the same:
"pnuema." "Nick, the pneuma spirit and the pnuema wind are the
same - you can't see them, but you trust that they're working because you see
their effects."
Jesus uses the image of the wind to describe the action
of the Spirit. His movements, like those of the wind, cannot be predicted or
anticipated. Like the wind, the movement of the Spirit is invisible,
but powerful! When He passes by, He touches whom He will and
His presence is easily seen!
9 “How are these things possible?” Nicodemus
10 Jesus replied, “You are a respected
Jewish teacher, and yet you don’t understand these things?
11 I assure you, we tell you what we know
and have seen, and yet you won’t believe our testimony.
12 But if you don’t believe me when I tell
you about earthly things, how can you possibly believe if I tell you about
heavenly things?
13 No one has ever gone to heaven and
returned. But the Son of Man has come down from heaven.
Even with his vast
knowledge of the Old Testament, Nicodemus was still in the dark spiritually.
He, like so many in our day, could not seem to grasp the
simple truth that it is faith in Jesus that produces salvation for the soul!)
*3:9-13 Not Understanding, Not
Notice that up until this point, Jesus has patiently
answered his questions, yet the conversation turns almost confrontational now.
Why is that? Because the Lord can work when there is no
belief, but not when there is unbelief.
If today you're having trouble believing what the Bible
says, ask yourself,
"Am I just not understanding what it says, or am I
just refusing to accept what it says?"
If you're not understanding, then your difficulty is no
belief, and the Lord can work on your heart. But if you're refusing to accept
it, they your difficulty is unbelief, and until you're willing, God can't speak
to you.
14 And as Moses lifted up the bronze snake
on a pole in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up,
15 so that everyone who believes in him will
have eternal life.
- Jesus uses an event from Israel's history to illustrate
His teaching.
*3:14-16 The Serpent In The Wilderness
Nicodemus knew exactly what Jesus was talking about,
though you may not. Detailed in the Old Testament book of Numbers is a strange
Amazing, isn't it? All they had to do was turn their
heads to look at this thing, and they would be healed! This is exactly what
Jesus did so that all who looked to Him to be saved would be saved!
He calls to mind the scene of Numbers 21:4-10. In this
passage, Israel is journeying through the wilderness and they are grumbling
about their trials. God, in response, sends poisonous snakes into their midst
and many of the people are bitten and die from the snake bites. Moses
intercedes for the people and God tells him to fashion a snake from brass. He
is to hang this brass snake on a pole.
Then whoever is bitten and looks at the snake will live.
Jesus is merely telling Nicodemus, that as that snake of old was lifted up, so
must Jesus be lifted up.
(Ill. The whole
world has been bitten by the snake of sin, and men are dying and dropping off
into Hell. Just like that snake, whoever looks at Jesus in faith will live -
Acts 16:31.)
16a “For God loved the world so much that he
gave his one and only Son,
Sometimes, people will say…si Pastor ang bait bait…I am
also a sinner like you.
Do you agree that you are a sinner & you need a
*The Only Provision
If you believe in Jesus Christ, you will be rescued.
16b…so that everyone who believes in him
will not perish but have eternal life.
Jesus tells Nicodemus that God's love or humanity was so
great that He willing gave up His only begotten Son to die that sinners might
be saved. This has reference to the death Jesus suffered on our behalf. A death
so horrible and so cruel that He was brutalized beyond comprehension - Isa.
52:14. (Ill. Thank God, He did all
this so that when we sinners come to bow before Him in repentant faith He has
something to give us.)
Jesus tells
Nicodemus that the key to receiving salvation is as simple as believing.
Religion tries to make it difficult for men to be made
right with God. There are always rules to follow and steps to complete. Then,
just when you think you have arrived, you always find that you have omitted
some step or the other. Religion makes it impossible for men to be saved.
Jesus, on the other hand, makes it so simple that little children, old people,
people with limited intelligence, people who can't add or subtract, or even
write their own name can be saved by the grace of God.)
How much simpler
could God have made it? He has already done all the work. He has paid all the
prices. He has torn down all the barriers. All He asks the sinner to do is come
to Him and believe Him.
A Sure Provision
- (Ill. "Whosoever") When the Lord made His plan of salvation, He
determined to exclude no one! God has flung wide the doors of grace and beckons
all who will to come to Him and be saved from their sins and from an eternity
in Hell. If you need salvation, then today is the day to come to Jesus and to
receive Him.) Salvation is a whosoever deal!
Jesus plainly
promised those who believed in him that they would have eternal life and that
they would never perish. To perish means to"be given over to the eternal
misery of Hell!" Jesus, however has promised his children that they have
been "saved." This word means "to keep safe and sound, to rescue
from all harm and danger."
17 God sent his Son into the world not to
judge the world, but to save the world through him.
3:17-21 Judgment
Jesus didn't come to judge you - He came to save you from
the judgment that you've already brought upon yourself. How have you brought
judgment upon yourself? Because your deeds are evil. They have fallen short of
the perfection and righteousness of God. Jesus isn't condemning you for that,
He's trying to save you from it.
Rom. 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free
gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Won't you accept the free gift of eternal life that Jesus
Christ offers you?
Conclusion: If we
have learned nothing else from the Master Teacher this morning, I think it is
plain to see that God loves sinners and has done everything to provide for
their salvation. He has done everything possible to draw you to Himself, except
using force.
Why not make this the day when the sacrifice of Jesus
becomes relevant in you life?
Why not make this the day of your salvation. Jesus loves
you, He died for you and if you will come to Him in simple, childlike faith, He
will save your soul and cleanse you from every sin.
In your heart that is what you want. Why not make it a
reality today?
Resources from: Alan Carr , Ron Daniel & Ray
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