Sunday, May 19, 2013

Luke 11 Outline on Prayer

May 19 Sermon

Luke 11:1-13      Prayer is a discipline of dependence on God
            and as such is the life breath of every follower of Jesus.

11 “Lord, teach us to pray….
This is the only time that someone asked Jesus to teach them something, another indication of the importance of this instruction.

2 Jesus said, “This is how you should pray:
Jesus intended the disciples to repeat it verbatim.

-combines respect for the father's authority with a sense of intimacy.
"The use of the intimate form was the amazing new thing that Jesus wished to teach his disciples, initiating them into the same close relationship with the father that he enjoyed. . ."

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Ruth 1 PURPOSE: " a gratifying reminder that even in the darkest times God is at work in the hearts of His faithful remnant."

A.  1 In the days when the judges ruled in Israel,
    The opening verse of the book reminds us of the leadership vacuum in Israel during the Judges Period.
The closing verse reveals God's provision of the greatest leader that Israel had since that time.
Therefore the book seems concerned with showing how God provided for His people, especially for their leadership need.