Sunday, November 24, 2013


What is contentment?
Contentment is the belief that I have everything I need at this present moment.
It is also the confidence & certainty that when I need anything else, God will give it to me.

I almost certainly don’t have everything I want. And I probably don’t have everything I think I need. This part of the definition means that God has so ordered the universe that no matter where you are right now you have everything you truly need to be content. 

That’s an awesome statement—and I know it’s one thing to say that on Sunday morning, it’s something else to believe that when your husband or wife or child walks out on you or the doctor says, “I’m sorry. There’s nothing else we can do.”

How do we know this is true? We know it because God has said it is true. 

Sunday, November 3, 2013

The Cry for Unity

 Ephesians 4:1-6

The Apostle Paul is answering in Ephesians 4 about the fundamental nature and purpose of the church, and its relationships to the world in which it must live. You will recognize these as pertinent questions of the present hour as well.

We are being told today that the church is irrelevant -a useless appendage to a society which has long outgrown the need for the church.

There are others who say that the church is very much needed in this hour, but it must change its approach if it is going to be meaningful in our generation.

The church does not have the right to chart its own course. Its goal has already been set;
its purpose has been determined by its Lord. Paul puts it this way,